Noémiah X Janna Yotte - Spring/Summer 2021
I knew of the brand Noémiah for years before I got to meet Noémie, the creative soul behind it. We found out we both lived in the same neighbourhood and felt intrigued by how we approached similar themes such as femininity, sisterhood and elegance, but in very different ways. We decided to meet on a breezy early summer day and immediately had a great connexion. I felt we’d make a sweet team and would work really well together but it got a little more challenging when it came time to let the language of our respective mediums work together.
We’d lose details, direction, meaning or scale as we needed so many layers of translations to get the printed imagery to reflect accordingly on clothing.
As we kept trying to figure it out through so many meetings and inspirations shared on instagram, we weren’t getting closer, but lot deeper. Deeper about what we wanted to create, our beliefs, vulnerabilities and shared stories as many conversations diverted to our lives, making us connect even more elements together.
For the collage, it was a lot of trial and error that all worked out when I went back to my anatomical book as a source. What may seem like lush flowers embroidered on the clothes are actually fallopian tubes - infundibulum of the uterine tube with the fringes of the tube, to be precise.
And just like that, everything we’d been trying to represent finally held in one rather simple visual.
For a long 2 years, this work process got me to reconsider many familiar topics from different angles and letting it come to life felt like a peaceful celebration towards a more profound acceptance of femininity & womenhood.
Above all, I feel proud. Proud to be able to acknowledge such an intricate part of my being. Proud I could do this by the side of such a lovely soul as the one behind Noémiah. Proud of the honest digging we had to do for this stunning collaboration to become.
Proud to have join in on creating a clothing collection - I mean, that’s what I really dreamed of when I was a toddler dressing up Barbies.
But mostly, proud of the wit it took to embroider so elegantly reproductive organs on delicate garments.
For the clothing, 2 tops, a vest and a collar were made. Along with 5 different original collage and embroidery artworks.
Due to Covid circumstances, no exhibition could be made so we created a window display at Boutique Unicorn.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.